Having toured the islands we landed on the National Trust bird sanctuary of Inner Farne. The island was just teaming with seabirds and I had not expected to be able to get so close to so many varieties. The puffins were absolutely delightful but timid so getting close to them was something of a challenge.
The terns got rather closer than we might have liked in making their displeasure known by pecking our heads if we were too close to their nests, two feet away seemed to be accepted, but one foot was too close. They actually make a point of nesting around the landing area and the buildings, often in the middle of the pathways. If you are going to visit make a point of wearing stout headgear, my leather hat was great at resisting their sharp beaks.
The terns got rather closer than we might have liked in making their displeasure known by pecking our heads if we were too close to their nests, two feet away seemed to be accepted, but one foot was too close. They actually make a point of nesting around the landing area and the buildings, often in the middle of the pathways. If you are going to visit make a point of wearing stout headgear, my leather hat was great at resisting their sharp beaks.
This is just a wonderful place whatever the weather.